I took my brake shoes to a local company to have them relined. They quoted me a price that matched several other people I have talked to on having them relined. So when they get done pending no other problems I should be able to put the rear and front completely back together. I have all of the brake springs, pins, and adjusters separated and ready to go back on. I took the front knuckles over to Hoods machine to install the new king pins. I got lucky with Hoods again Dave had the correct reamer for my odd ball king pins. I some how I forgot to take pictures while I took the king pins apart. I didn't think that was a big deal. Well ten minutes into trying to put the king pins in I realized I was missing something. So after another twenty minute search for my bag of all the king pin parts for the Texas truck and found a set of spacing washers. Then I realized some how I had two sets of spacing washers in the bag. So I am back on track spacing washers and shims are perfect fit. I got the front end mocked up and is ready to take back apart and be cleaned and painted. While fitting the breaks I noticed the drums have a slight lip on them so I plan to take them down to the machine shop and have them turned for good measure.