Brake dust is nasty! So when I had my brake shoes relined I didn't know they needed to be sized to drum. After a little research and some on line questioning ( thanks Trevor D.) I learned about brake shoe grinders. Now these wonderful Ammco 2000 brake shoe grinders a hard to find and are illegal for company's to use in the U.S. because of brake dust. Unless I can find a individual with a shoe grinder hand sanding is where I am at. A hand sanding I go. I do recommend a Tyvec suit or at least long sleeve shirt, rubber gloves that cover wrists and leather gloves on top of that, and a respirator.
I had the respirator on and one set of rubber gloves. The brake dust covered my arms and got in to the gloves I had on so now I am itching like crazy. At least it's not asbestos (I checked!). It takes about 3 hours per set to sand to fit. I put some painters tape in the drum to help the sand paper to stick. I used a 3m 36 grit board sanding paper. I would sand the shoe for about 20-30 passes then flip it for another 20-30 passes. Then I would swap shoes and repeat. It took several times of sand and fit, to get it just right. But after I got it done it was a perfect fit.