Thursday, May 28, 2015

I got really tired of working on the floor, so I built a engine stand for the motor. Why build a engine stand? The block it self weighs close to two hundred pounds and with ever thing on it, it pushes the limits of my store bought stand. and I was a little worried it would break. So I had a little scrap metal laying around and why not!. So now I have the block, head and most every thing on the engine painted. I put the head on and torqued down. I mocked up most every thing to make sure that I have all the bolts I need and every thing is going to go back together properly. So far I like the way it looks.

Well I got my pistons in the block. Took the generator to Choate Electric in Springfield Mo. and had it completely rebuilt. and it looks good. So I put some blocks in the lifter cylinders so when I primed the block paint wouldn't get in to clog things up. I didn't get them sealed up enough so I had to clean a little paint out of there with a hone. This made me nervous, but I was told how to do it and had a little help from a machinist friend. I got the paint cleaned out and lifters in and crank and rods all done! I primed and painted the head and other parts that I needed to get done. So far so good!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

I had taken the block to the machine shop and three weeks later they called my telling me that there was something wrong with my caps on the block. So I went to look at the block they had three of the main caps turned backwards. Luck have it we saw the problem bad thing they didn't want to finish the block. So off to find a new machine shop to so after some looking and talking to others. I was referred to Eagle machine in Buffalo Mo. I called them up and they actually new what engine I had and was excited to work on it. They asked me to bring the crank and the bearing to do it all by spec. I took it in on Friday and they called me Wednesday to tell me it was done! I went to pick it up and every looked awesome. The engine is ready finally! I have every thing in order to put the engine back together. Now if I can get a nice low humidity day to primer the head, water pump and hogs head. Now I need to get it done so I can start on the frame. I gave my self a goal at the beginning of this project to complete the engine by one year June 1st 2015. I am coming down to the wire! I want to have the chassis done at the two year mark. Then start on the body work that I haven't set a finish date yet.